A French bulldog may not be the right choice for every family. Living with a French bulldog can be very rewarding, but you must be committed to meeting the bulldog's particular needs.

These are sturdy little dogs with large, erect, rounded bat ears, flat muzzles and pug noses.  These dogs are playful and affectionate, curious and alert.  They love to clown around and can run and play for hours.  They need companionship and will not thrive without it.  They often bond strongly to one person.  Frenchies are good with children when raised with them from puppyhood.  These dogs are not easy to train and do not like hot weather.  Coat colors are fawn, pied and red or black brindle.  Grooming is minimal.  Height is 12" at the shoulders.  There are 2 weight ranges, 19 to 22 lbs. and 22 to 28 lbs.

Some things to consider:

Frenchies or French bulldogs are perpetual children: they never grow up.

A French bulldog does best in a loving environment, free from fear and neglect. They are happiest when they are with people and require lots of attention. When left alone, French bulldogs can be very destructive.

They may chew throughout their lifetimes. Plenty of things for them to chew should be available to them unless you want your furniture destroyed. Anything that you don't want chewed should be made unavailable to them.

They may need to be crated when they are not being supervised. A French bulldog should never be left unattended in your backyard. Not only is it dangerous to your French bulldog's wellbeing, but French Bulldogs are often targeted for theft.

They should never be left outside in the hot summer months. Being a short muzzle breed, the heat and humidity makes it too hard for them to breathe which could lead to heat stroke. However, in mild temperatures they love to be outside playing or on walks.

The French Bulldog is.....

  • Is short, squat, and chunky
  • Is round-headed and short-faced, with large expressive eyes
  • Has a short easy-care coat that comes in many colors
  • Is usually amiable with everyone
  • Doesn't need much exercise
  • Doesn't bark much

The French Bulldog Can.....

  • Stubbornness
  • Shedding
  • Snorting, snuffling, wheezing, grunting, loud snoring
  • Slobbering
  • Gassiness (flatulence)
  • Slowness to housebreak
  • Serious health problems
  • High cost
  1. Temperament.  The French Bulldog is an extreme lover. He is affectionate, playful and demanding of attention, from all that he comes into contact with. He does not do well left alone in a backyard. A Frenchie needs the constant companionship of his family. He makes an excellent companion for children, although very small children may not tolerate his over enthusiastic nature. He generally gets along well with other animals, as long as they are of as playful a nature as he is. They are generally not given to excessive barking. They will protect their homes and alert owners to intruders as well as when people are at the door. They do not sound vicious, but do have a deep bark. Most Frenchies tend to sit back and let others make a commotion. They are often referred to as "little clowns," and a more fitting description could not be found. The Frenchie is at his utmost content when he is being showered with affection. he will return the favor to his utmost capabilities. He is a true lapdog, an extreme lover, a bodyguard, a playful companion, and a true "best friend".

  2. Stubbornness. Despite their sweetness, French Bulldogs are not Golden Retrievers. They have an independent mind of their own and can be manipulative. Most French Bulldogs are extremely stubborn. You must show them, through absolute consistency, that you mean what you say.
  3. Shedding. For such a shorthaired dog, French Bulldogs shed more than you might think. Their short coarse hairs come off on your hands when you pet them, and stick tenaciously to your carpeting, upholstery, and clothing.
  4. French Bulldog sounds. Most French Bulldogs snort, snuffle, wheeze, grunt, and snore loudly. The sounds are endearing to some people; nerve-wracking to others.
  5. Slobbering. Many French Bulldogs, especially those with loose jowls, slobber and drool, especially after eating or drinking.
  6. Housebreaking. French Bulldogs tend to resist being told what to do, and housebreaking is no exception. Expect four to six months of consistent crate training.
  7. Training. They are not easy to train, and have a hard time learning to act on command. You must be more stubborn than your Frenchie ! Some people suggest crate training as the best source of getting the lesson learned. You can expect four or more months of consistent crate training. Frenchies do not like to take orders. They have a hard time adhering to the task at hand and are easily distracted. Owners of this little bully breed , should have a strong will and an endless supply of patience. Learning to obey basic commands is something that must be taught with this breed. Puppy classes are a good way to socialize Your puppy as well as learning the basic social skills needed in developing a good relationship with your French Bulldog
  8. Exercise.  The French bulldog is not the breed to run along side you as you are jogging. They enjoy short walks when the air temperature is moderate. Never expose a Frenchie to higher heat as they are prone to heat stroke. They do well with a short walk and a long nap to follow. They are heavy headed and do not swim. Frenchies have been known to drown when left unattended near water sources. Lakes, rivers, pools, etc, should be considered a danger to your French bulldog. they should always be closely guarded when near a swimming pool or lake. although Frenchies love to play, playtime must be limited . They will tend to over exert themselves, and breathing becomes difficult for them. French bulldogs require a "downtime" after and form of exercise. This is an excellent time to calm and cuddle them. They will never turn down any form of affection.

  9. High cost. French Bulldog breeders charge $1000 to $1500 to cover their costs of artificial insemination (because many French Bulldogs can't mate without assistance) and C-sections (because the puppies' heads are too large to be born normally).
  10. Gassiness (flatulence) that can send you running for cover. Fortunately, French Bulldogs who are fed a natural diet of real meat and other fresh foods have much less trouble with gassiness. See my French Bulldog Health Page for more information.
  11. Serious health problems. Many French Bulldogs struggle to breathe in hot or humid weather. In the summer they should be kept in air-conditioning and supervised during outside activity so they don't over-exert themselves and become overheated. An alarming number of French Bulldogs suffer from joint diseases, spinal disorders, and heart defects. Their compromised respiratory system makes it very risky to anesthetize them safely.
  12. Life Expectancy.  The French Bulldog is know for a life span of 10-12 years on average
  • There are energetic Frenchies, and placid Frenchies.
  • Hard-headed Frenchies, and sweet-natured Frenchies.
  • Serious Frenchies, and good-natured goofballs.
  • Introverted Frenchies, and Frenchies who love everyone.



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